Free Lawyer Advice: How A Lawyer Can Help You

In popular culture, lawyers have gotten a bit of a bad reputation. Especially on TV, they are often depicted as soulless, money grabbing bad guys. However, anyone who’s ever needed the help of a lawyer in real life knows that they can be the difference between getting the help you need and being raked over the coals by the opposing party.

Contrary to popular belief, most lawyers got into law to help people overcome their problems and get fresh starts after a serious injury or other case. Case-in-point: did you know that many Ottawa law firms offer free lawyer advice, even to non-clients?

It’s true. Most Ottawa law firms will answer questions, offer advice and recommend services to anyone who asks. Free lawyer advice isn’t unlimited, of course, but it’s a good start if you’re trying to figure out whether or not you have a case.

Breaking stereotypes. It’s a bit of a mystery where the money-sucking lawyer stereotype came from. Maybe it was from the astronomical fees that some high-demand, big-city lawyers charge their clients. One thing is for sure, though, a lawyers main focus is not to nickel and dime their clients.

Yes, lawyers are people too and they need to charge their clients for their time. However, many Ottawa law firms still offer free lawyer advice to clients and non-clients.

Most lawyers won’t offer more than a half hour or so of their time for free, but that’s plenty of time to ask some questions and figure out what your next step should be. Take advantage of it while you can.

Answer questions. If you do choose to seek out free lawyer advice from an Ottawa law firm, make sure you know what you’d like to ask. You can ask a lawyer whether or not your personal injury warrants a full-blown lawsuit, or whether you should seek legal aid if you’re at fault for the accident. You can also ask what sort of damages you should seek or ask if they could help you with a claim. Whatever it is, make sure you know beforehand exactly what you’d like to ask.

Refer services. When you seek free lawyer advice from an Ottawa law firm, you can also ask the lawyer to refer you to services that you may not know of on your own. Lawyers can refer you to insurance companies, therapists, and legal aid departments if you’re unsure of where to turn.