Constantly changing regulations can be confusing to navigate without clarification. Ottawa lawyers can help make sense of it all. Here, we highlight some of the rules and regulations that have been changed and old laws that may have been affected.
Where portions of a roadway are marked for pedestrian use, no pedestrian shall cross the roadway except within a portion so marked.
While the law does not say how far from the nearest crosswalk one must be to legally cross mid-block, but 30 metres is a good general rule
Except where the traffic control signals are in operation or where traffic is being controlled by a police officer, a pedestrian crossing a highway at a place other than a pedestrian crossover shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles and streetcars upon the roadway, but nothing in the section shall relieve the driver of a vehicle or streetcar from the obligation of taking all due care to avoid an accident.
If there is no crosswalk, it is legal for pedestrians to cross as long as they yield to on-coming traffic
Jaywalking is a term often used to describe pedestrians crossing when they shouldn’t be…
…but “Jaywalking” is not a legally defined offence.
At designated pedestrian crossing locations, the laws referred to are of the provincial Ontario Highway Traffic Act. At non-designated locations, the Municipal/City bylaws apply.
For more information on the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, don’t hesitate to contact an Ottawa lawyer.
Pedestrian control signals: walk
If the “walk” indication is showing, every pedestrian moving in that direction may cross the roadway
Pedestrian control signals: don’t walk
Pedestrians shall not cross against a solid or flashing “don’t walk” indication
Each pedestrian who has lawfully begun to cross the road may continue to do so despite a change in the indicator and will continue to have the right of way
So, as long as the pedestrian has entered the roadway while the “walk” signal was on, it is not a ticketable offence if the indicator should change to flashing or “don’t walk” while crossing
If you are ever ticketed for crossing in this manner, contact an Ottawa lawyer.
Countdown timers are still relatively new and provincial laws change slowly. The law does not yet reflect crossing during the countdown, and pedestrians should not enter the roadway during the countdown.
If you’d like to learn more about legislation changes, an Ottawa lawyer will be able to explain the process.
Each intersection should provide pedestrians with a minimum of seven seconds to walk.
If you feel that you are at an intersection with less than seven seconds, do not hesitate to contact the city.
If you are ticketed for anything involving the new pedestrian cross-walk regulations, contact an Ottawa lawyer. They will be able to help you navigate the regulations and advise you on what you can do about it.