If you are suing another party in a civil case, then before you go to trial, you will go through a process called discovery. If you’re not familiar with the discovery process, don’t worry-Ottawa law firms that specialize in personal injury law or otherwise engage in civil suits have performed this duty to their clients
Constantly changing regulations can be confusing to navigate without clarification. Ottawa lawyers can help make sense of it all. Here, we highlight some of the rules and regulations that have been changed and old laws that may have been affected. Where portions of a roadway are marked for pedestrian use, no pedestrian shall cross the
Information from an Ottawa Dog Bite Lawyer When a dog attacks you, the suddenness and severity of a dog bite can leave you reeling while you try and assess the situation at hand. An Ottawa dog bite lawyer will tell you that the owner of the dog is liable for any damages resulting from the
Canada is home to many winter sports. There’s something for everyone, whether it’s skating, tobogganing, skiing, or snowshoeing. But if you’re looking for something a little more fast-paced, then snowmobiling might be right up your alley. Before you purchase or handle a snowmobile, there are a few important things your local Ottawa car accident lawyers
Personal injury cases are often the result of negligence. Negligence occurs when a person directly or indirectly causes harm to another person through inaction, most often by failure to perform a duty of care. As a property owner you have a legal responsibility to take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of guests on
The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) exists to help those in need. It is intended as a “final resort” for those who have an impairment that does not allow them to work, so that they may have financial support. However, even when it is the only option available to a person, sometimes they still have
If you’ve suffered an injury as a result of an accident, whether it was a car accident or a slip and fall, it can sometimes be difficult to accurately assess the damages. Often, the true cost of an injury can’t accurately be assessed until after medical treatment has been administered, and the victim has had
Contributory negligence is legal terminology that sounds more complicated than it actually is. If you are currently involved in a personal injury case, this phrase will more than likely come up a few times, and it is an important one to learn about prior to going to court. Ottawa injury lawyers want you to know
Personal injury claims commonly hinge on the concept of negligence. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to prove who did (or did not) take actions to ensure the safety of anyone to whom they owed a duty of care. That is why your Ottawa personal injury lawyer wants you to know about negligence and the unique
Time and Liability Limits According to an Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyer Suing a negligent party for damages is typically a very cut-and-dry thing when fault is clear and evident. When you have a slip or fall on a poorly-maintained property-and there is no reasonable excuse for the lack of maintenance-the occupier of the property can